Te dwie piekne poduszki i obrazek z ornamentem wykonala Wichrowa. Jesli chcielibyscie zobaczyc wiecej prac tej autorki prosze odwiedzcie jej interesujacy blog.
Today I prepared very special post.This time I would like to present several gorgeous works. I have to admit that every time when I meet projects decorated by my designs I am absolutely happy...
This two beautiful pillows and picture with ornament below made Wichrowa. If you would like to see more works of this author please visit her interesting blog .

Chcialabym pokazac rowniez pewien wyjatkowy notes.Wykonala go Atena. Wiele kreatywnych pomyslow mozecie znalezc na jej blogu
I would like to show you certain special notebook. Atena made this. You can find a lot of creative ideas on her blog